Mutare joins Gweru in launching the People’s Charter

The WOZA social justice charter – the People’s Charter – was successfully launched in Mutare this morning, as members of the organisation marched through central Mutare, defying a police ban on all demonstrations throughout the country. Approximately 30 women processed, singing and waving placards, from near Kingdom Bank up to the Civic Centre, a distance of about 300 metres. They left their placards in front of the Civic Centre, and dispersed, as the few police in the area ignored them. No arrests took place.

Meanwhile we have news that the total number arrested yesterday in Masvingo is 20. A lawyer is now assisting them. Details of the charges are not yet available.

In Gweru, the 27 arrested during the demonstration on Monday appeared in court yesterday and were released on bail. The nine others that had been arrested later in the day when taking food to those in cells remain in custody and are expected to be taken to court today. Police are still trying to decide what charges to bring against them.