Whilst 36 WOZA members remain in custody in Gweru after launching the People’s Charter in the Midlands town yesterday, WOZA members again took to the streets today – this time in Masvingo. The message was the same – the people of Zimbabwe demanding social justice through the People’s Charter.
In the face of heavy police presence, many of the women intending to march scattered, but a brave group of about 30 managed to march several blocks through the centre of the city to the Civic Centre, where all of them were arrested. There were no reports of beatings as yet and lawyers are in attendance.
In Gweru, the total number arrested yesterday was 36, including three women who were arrested when they brought food to those detained. All were expected in court this morning, but we are still waiting for a report on what the charges were and what the outcome was. It is believed they will be charged with participating in an illegal gathering.
More details will be given when they become available.