To all Zimbabweans on Valentines Day 2010, our message is simple:
Hearts starve as well as bodies; give us bread, but give us roses too. Shine Zimbabwe Shine! Khazimula Zimbabwe Khazimula! Penya Zimbabwe Penya!
It is not enough that bread has returned to our shelves. Our hearts are also starving for a people-driven constitution. We demand a living constitution that will give us bread and roses too! Just like the thorns on a rose, love comes with pain; we must be willing to fight through the pain to get our new constitution. Demand your Rose – stand up for love.
Report on Democratising Zimbabwe – our opportunity to shine!
In 2009, WOZA shared what we think the building blocks of democracy are with over 11,000 members, urban and rural, through a booklet and workshops. We wanted to raise awareness that Zimbabwe needs a democratic form of government committed to making sure that all the building blocks of democracy are in place for all citizens to enjoy social justice. As 2009 closed, a further consultation of the state of our democracy after the power sharing government was conducted. 4,016 people gave us their views.
Did the power sharing government bring more democracy or lessen it?
Members felt that the power-sharing arrangement has decreased democratic space. There is no genuine sharing of power; too much legal and actual state power is still in the hands of one person – Robert Mugabe. The other two principals are not active enough at wrestling power away from ZANU PF or enforcing the 15 September 2008 GPA. The general feeling was that the power-sharing government may have stabilised the economy but it did not bring democracy. Members also expressed sadness that despite MDC’s holding cabinet positions they have not managed to reduce the harassment of their own members or to increase their member’s freedoms of expression and assembly as well as their free movement. How therefore can they be expected to deliver more freedom for the people of Zimbabwe?
If an election is called and no electoral reform is conducted, will you feel confident that your vote will count?
There is little confidence in an election before the constitutional process is complete, as we need a new system of checks and balances if our votes are to be respected and counted. Some said voting is a risk worth taking as it is the only way to choose the leaders; people will take the risk because they want to have a government made from one party that will rule and concentrate on the constitution-making process. We need SADC, African Union and the United Nations monitors and observers. We need a more transparent appointment process of Zimbabwe Electoral commissioners.
Do you feel that the parliament-led constitutional consultation process can still bring a people-driven constitution?
People want to give their views and write their own constitution but worry that the current consultation process has too many loopholes that can be manipulated to change their views into those wanted by politicians. Because of the public bickering over resources, people are losing confidence in the select committee. The delays are foul play so that time is lost and people are forced to settle for the ‘Kariba Draft’. As long as Mugabe or parliament is the last to verify or debate/finalise the draft, people will not trust that their views will be included. Will it still be called a people-driven constitution if there are only a few prominent persons who have the final say?
Has government spending become more transparent?
We do not see a spirit of transparency and embezzlement and corruption are still rampant. We worry that funds are still being diverted for personal use of politicians. Most people agree that they believe that public funds should go through the Ministry of Finance but the Minister must also be transparent about what he does with it. Mr Biti, why are youth militia employed as civil servants and get paid for beating and maiming people in the name of the ZANU politics. Mr. Biti where are the road repairs you promised when you introduced the tollgates? Pay civil servants a living wage so they stop demanding bribes from ordinary people.
Are civil rights more respected under this government?
The personal security situation for ordinary people is not secure – anyone can be arrested for anything and end up forced to pay a bribe or a fine without any clear wrongdoing. Bring back banned newspapers for a clear signal of open media space.
Has the rule of law improved or become worse?
Most people polled believe that the rule of law in the country has worsened for the following reasons: police officers apply the law selectively or solicit bribes and are not working professionally to reduce crime. Court orders are ignored and law officers still follow political orders when making judgments. Vendors are criminalized and are always on the run despite the need to revive the economy. Illegal land grabs from ZANU officials are continuing.
Has the power sharing government made your personal life better, worse, or nothing has changed?
It is still survival of the fittest. There has been some change for those who are rich but for the poor nothing has changed. The dollarisation of the economy stabilised prices and the economy in general but the gap between rich and poor widened. The reason is simple – there was no increase in employment opportunities and genuine encouragement of informal trade. The few who are employed are paid too little to survive or to put back into the economy as disposable income. Service delivery remains hijacked by too much political interference in local councils; people continue to suffer flowing sewages, increased electricity and water cuts, and many homes going without services for weeks at a time.
As we finalise this report, the power-sharing government turns one year old. The promises made upon its birth filled us with hope and gave Zimbabweans an opportunity to shine. Remember what they said on 15 September 2008 and then again on 12 February 2009 during the swearing in ceremony? “Concerned about the recent challenges that we have faced as a country and the multiple threats to the well-being of our people.”
One year later, this ‘baby’ is taking steps – learning how to walk. The baby has taken the first step – the economy is a bit more stable and food is on the shelves, with a quiet promise of jobs. WOZA, the mothers of the nation, would like to see steps toward a full democratisation of Zimbabweans systems. These are the eight building blocks of basic democracy we need:
1. Elections – Before the referendum, we need to have confidence that a voter’s roll will be transparently prepared and displayed for viewing. We need a truly independent electoral commission.
2. Opposition – we need to see democracy in action – a genuine welcoming of different political voices.
3. Civil rights – we are citizens with rights and must be allowed to enjoy all our rights without fear or harassment. We look forward to the passing of the bill amending POSA. We need to see the promised security sector reform with special attention on police reform because it is police who abuse our rights on a daily basis.
4. Rule of law – start to prosecute perpetrators of politically motivated violence urgently – everyone must obey the law or be punished.
5. Separation of powers – the presidential appointment of Tomana and Gono has resulted in a further mixing up of the functions of government. For judicial reform, Tomana and other political appointees in the Attorney General’s office must go and be replaced by professional people who will balance the scales of our justice system.
6. Equality – we are writing this into our new constitution. Please Parliament Select Committee do not betray this ideal by cheating us when we give you our views.
7. Transparency and accountability – as long as we have a politically partisan Reserve Bank governor, there will be no investor confidence, jobs will not be available and workers receive a living wage – therefore Gono must go. Minister Tendai Biti, we need more transparency and accountability from you. Studying your strategy from the trenches, it looks you want to squeezing money out of poor peoples pockets to fund the recovery. You need to do better to cushion the poor! You must stop the police from criminalizing informal traders. Please don’t forget about the children’s education, they are our future.
8. Participation of the people – Our report is called ‘hearts starve as well as bodies – give us bread but give us roses too!’ We want our ‘rose’, which is our own constitution! Allow a genuine people-driven process for the constitutional consultation for our full participation. Disband militia camps and let our children come home. The police must stop arresting people without good reason; you police officers are crucial to allowing people to feel free. To the three principals, you promised us a society free of violence, fear, intimidation, hate, patronage, corruption and founded on justice, fairness, openness, transparency, dignity and equality.
ZIMBABWEANS lets us ALL participate in democratizing our country: people must participate and politicians must practice it – this is our opportunity to shine!