Update on court hearings – Williams and Mahlangu and Refugee Seven

Refugee Seven:

The Refugee Seven appeared on 6th January 2010. They were due to hear the magistrate’s ruling on whether they could be removed off remand whilst their case is being heard before the Supreme Court. The ruling was not ready however and so the group was further remanded to 12th January. On the 12th, the magistrate was not available and so the group was again further remanded to 25th January. On the 25th, the magistrate finally gave her ruling, denying the activists the right to be removed off remand. They were further remanded to 25th February 2010.

Williams and Mahlangu:

The duo had appeared in Bulawayo Magistrates Court on 18th December 2009 but Magistrate Msipa was not ready with her ruling on whether the pair could be removed off remand. They were further remanded to 21st December. On the 21st, she refused the request to remove the activists off remand saying that they had brought the delay upon themselves by taking a challenge to the Supreme Court. The pair was further remanded to 24th February 2010.

At the beginning of the year, defense lawyer, Kossam Ncube made an urgent application to the High Court for Magistrate Mspia to be reviewed, claiming that her ruling as being ‘anter-alia grossly unreasonable and irregular‘. A copy of this application can be found in the legal documents folder.

The 10-day waiting period elapsed without the state responding to the application. It was passed unopposed on 28th January 2010 and an order for the activists to be removed off remand was issued.

WOZA is delighted that Jenni Williams and Magodonga Mahlangu have finally been removed off remand in a case that has been ongoing since 16 October 2008 but are concerned that the ruling from the Supreme Court has still not been received.