Women and Men of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) » Sisterhood Bond – English

Sisterhood Bond

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P. O. Box FM 701, Famona, Bulawayo
By Women for Women and with Women, across Race, Colour, Creed, Class or Political Persuasion. Empowering Women to be Courageous, Caring, Committed and in Communication with their Communities.



My name is …………………………………………………………………………………………

I give my word that I will strive to stand up in support of my sisters. I will give ‘her’ my hand in support as we struggle together towards our rightful place as equals in society. Working together, hand in hand, we shall bring Zimbabwe back to peace, justice and prosperity.

As the struggle continues, I will remember the following guidelines:

  1. To speak out and encourage other women to do the same, so that the female voice is heard. Women should no longer suffer silently.
  2. To participate in peaceful assembly and meetings to discuss our challenges and to act rather than complain.
  3. To be a comfortable shoulder to lean on or a listening ear. ‘A problem shared is a problem halved’.
  4. To demonstrate love and courage in our homes and communities so that people can shake away fear.
  5. Women are the mothers of the nation and must demand that Dignity.
  6. To be a supporter of Non-violence so that people can see that problems can be solved peacefully.
  7. To seek out and be in solidarity with like-minded women.
  8. To be God fearing and encourage activities that promote spiritual health.
  9. To support Democratic participation with tolerance for differing views and opinions.
  10. “An injury to one is an injury to all”.

I give my word!

Signed: ………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………

Witnessed by: ……………………………………… Witnessed by: ………………………………

Copyright © 2004