Williams and Mahlangu remain in custody in Mlondolozi Prison – third week

Jenni Williams and Magodonga Mahlangu spent their third weekend in Mlondolozi Prison as still no word has been received from the High Court regarding their appeal. Although the urgent application was filed on Monday 27th October, the defence team is still waiting to hear which High Court judge will decide on the matter and whether he will insist on a hearing or not.

Jenni Williams and Magodonga MahlanguIn the meantime there is increasing concern for their well-being. Prison guards at Mlondolozi are becoming increasingly hostile. They were threatening and abusive to the team taking food to them on Thursday last week and are now saying that the support team can only visit them once every two weeks (having told them that they could see Jenni and Magodonga once a day on week days). Food is still allowed in but they are not allowed to receive visits. Apparently the reason is that prison authorities are unhappy that Jenni and Magodonga are filing complaints about the way that they are being treated by the prison guards and are seeking to punish them.

WOZA calls for the immediate release of Jenni and Magodonga and continues to ask all friends in the region and internationally to continue to put pressure on Zimbabwean authorities to end this harassment of women who are only guilty of loving their families and their country.

Useful telephone numbers:

Regional Prisons Headquarters (Bulawayo): +263 9 71458/71468Mlondolozi Prison: +263 9 64228

Bulawayo Attorney General’s Office: +263 9 77651/61603

Harare Attorney General’s Office: +263 4 781769/774586

Bulawayo Public Prosecutor: + 263 9 63173

Bulawayo High Court: +263 9 60326