The 14 members arrested on 28th May appeared on remand in Harare Magistrate’s Court yesterday morning (Friday 20th) and were further remanded to 3rd July. Jenni Williams and Magodonga Mahlangu, who are still in custody at Chikurubi Women’s Prison, were remanded in absentia as the truck bringing them from prison did not arrive on time. Williams, who is facing extra charges of communicating falsehoods prejudicial to the state and causing disaffection amongst the police force, was also remanded to 3rd July on those charges.
Williams and Mahlangu are now entering their fourth week in prison. They remain in good spirits despite the conditions in Chikurubi. Lawyers from Zimbabwe Lawyers from Human Rights (ZLHR) are continuing to work on appealing their continued detention. The two would welcome visits from anyone who would be able to make it to Chikurubi.
Meanwhile, two other WOZA members, Trust Moyo and Cynthia Ncube, go on trial in Bulawayo on Monday 23rd charged with distributing materials likely to cause a breach of the peace after being arrested in a peaceful demonstration on 5th May.
Click here to see a copy of the appeal launched in the independent Zimbabwean press Free Williams and Mahlangu appeal