Following on from the demonstrations and arrests in Bulawayo last week, over 100 members of Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) were arrested in Filabusi today. The exact numbers are not clear as activists are still entering the police station to hand themselves in.
Rural members of WOZA had gathered today in Filabusi, the administrative centre for Insiza District, to launch the People’s Charter in that area. The Peoples’ Charter is the result of an eleven-month process of consulting ordinary Zimbabweans on what they want in a socially just future. The people of Insiza were widely consulted on their vision of a new Zimbabwe and endorsed the People’s Charter fully in return visits to the district.
Several hundred women had gathered in Filabusi this morning but before they could begin to march, police began arresting them. Those not arrested then marched to the police station to hand themselves in, in solidarity.
This demonstration today follows on from People’s Charter launch demonstrations in Bulawayo, Harare, Masvingo, Gweru and Mutare. It also follows on from demonstrations last week in Bulawayo to press for the inclusion of voices at the negotiating table that will raise the social justice issues contained in the People’s Charter – issues at the heart of ordinary Zimbabweans.
Please call Filabusi Police Station on +263 17 202 281 or 247 to demand their immediate release.