The seven members arrested yesterday in Bulawayo are spending a second night in custody. Their lawyers were denied access to the group all day and they still have not received medical treatment. Food was allowed in this evening under the escort of the lawyer. It is still not clear what the group will be charged with but it is hoped that they will be taken to court in the morning.
Please keep calling Bulawayo Central Police Station on +263 9 72515 / 61706 to demand that the women be allowed access to their lawyers and to medical treatment.
News update
Thursday 7th – 1.30pm
The seven members arrested yesterday remain in custody at Bulawayo Central. Lawyers have been denied access to their clients this morning and police are refusing to discuss possible charges or the possibility of being taken to court. The 11am deadline for court submissions has passed and therefore the group will not be taken to court today.
Two of the members in custody were badly beaten during their arrest and are in a lot of pain. As the lawyer has been denied access to them, they have not received any medical treatment. Food has also been denied this lunchtime, although there were no problems taking in food at breakfast or dinner last night.
At least 20 members have sought medical attention for the beatings they received yesterday. Most injuries involve soft-tissue bruising; no severe injuries have been reported as yet. Many of these members have testified that as they were being beaten, police were telling them that police do not want to arrest WOZA members any more as they are too troublesome. It is their intention to ‘just beat them’.