All posts by Jenni

Bertha to spend weekend in custody

Bulawayo members of Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) who were arrested and beaten continued to seek medical attention. Five where remained in custody last night were 4 men and 1 woman. The men were released but Bertha Sibanda was detained and remains in custody at Bulawayo Central Police Station. All of those arrested were denied access to food delivered by WOZA leader Jenni Williams. The officer in charge of Bulawayo foolishly told Williams that the 5 were not hungry.

Bertha Sibanda is charged with contravening section 132 of the Code that is publicly exposing herself and being a nuisance. She was very traumatised by the police refusal to respond to WOZA’s formal complaint about her treatment in a Water protest on 12 November 2012. She joined the Valentines Days protest in order to follow up on the complaint. The events of that day were similar to the Wednesday in Harare and Thursday in Bulawayo situation whereby junior officers indiscriminately arrest WOZA members, then the senior officers refused to allow the arrests. In November instead of recognising the mistake with humility, they bundled her and 10 others into a vehicle and dumped them at a cemetery out of town. Just as she did on Valentine’s Day, Bertha and her colleagues had undergone severe beating, tribal insults by police officer Mukoshi. WOZA have since demanded he be disciplined but this request has been ignored.

Also during the protest, a male member Lucky Ncube was arrested. Although he was never charged with anything, his crime seemed to be having a camera. He was later released at 11pm with the 3 bystanders who had also taken photographs. During the evening in custody, he was taken Law and Order Department room 5. Whilst there he was made to him remove his trousers as a humiliation. He was also made to remove his shoes and beaten with whip under his feet. This type of torture is termed ‘falanga’. Its common use if to inflict pain without evidence of bruising as the soles of the feet hide such injury. The officer suspected to have conducted this torture is Z. Moyo. Lucky was also asked if he knows the party Zanu PF and accused of trying to discredit Zanu PF by publishing photographs. He was threatened that Zanu PF is the party that can spill blood which is the language often used by police officers who have become partisan. He was then released at 11pm and followed by police officers for several city blocks until he managed to obtain transport to go home. It is assumed that the police officers wanted to determine if you would make contact with WOZA leaders including Jenni Williams who had been conducting a vigil outside the police station. At 10:30 pm, police officers had chased the women away.

The Valentine’s Day protest is part of the annual ‘love’ protest, this year’s theme is – One Love.  During the two protests in Harare and Bulawayo one hundred and ninety members were arrested plus 4 bystanders who simply took photos with their cameras. We estimate over 50 members were beaten with the hard rubber baton sticks that Riot Reaction Group police carry. WOZA medical support team have provided pain killers and muscle rub to most of these members but 13 had to attend for professional medical attention.  Two additional members had to be taken to the hospital today – one due to a blow to the head and another had 3 stitches to her inner lip and lost 3 teeth due to police beatings.

Woza Moya – Shona – Africa Day Edition – May 2008



Sezvo nyika dzese dzemuAfrica dzichipemberera zuva re Africa Day viki rino, nengo dze WOZA dzakaona kusina kukosha kuita izvi. Musi wa 25 May izuva rekupemberera kugarisana kwakanaka nekubatana kwe Africa, asi hapana chekupemberera sezvo wurombo uchienderera mberi nemakore atinofanira kurarama achidzika. Chii chiripo chekupemberera sezvo maZimbabwe avasisina kuvimba kuti kodzero ravo rekuvhota richaremekedzwa. Atisi kuona kuti vatungamiri ve Africa vachirikuremekedza hunhu vachiziva kuti vari vanhu navo vemu Africa. Vanhu vakaita savaRobert Mugabe naThabo Mbeki vanoziva kuti munhu munhu ne vanhu.

Robert Mugabe munhu – anoonekwa nechi bhakera.
Awa ndiwo mashoko atirikuda kuudza vaMugabe nemusiwe Africa Day:
Va Robert Mugabe takukuzivai nemhirizhonga yamurikuunza kwatiri – vanhu vemuZimbabwe. Tino remekedza zvamakaita kuti tiwane Zimbabwe yakanaka asimhirizhonga yamurikuita inowonekwa nemaratidziro enyu echibhakera anakunaka. Vanhu vekuMatebeleland nekuMidlands vaitsigira ZAPU vakauraiwa panguva yeGukurahundi pakutanga kwegore ra 1980. Vagari vekumunda wePorta vakasangana nayo mhirizhonga iyi navo sezvo vaitsigira va Ndabaningi Sithole.Muna 2000 vakatanga chirongwa chekutora mapurazi zvisiri pamutemo vechishandisa mhirizhonga vachida kuranga maZimbabwe akaramba kuiiswa kwezvigamba mubumbiro remitemo, naizvozvo atichawani kudya kwakakwana. Mugore raa 2005 kwakaitiwa chirongwa che Operation Murambatsvina apa vaida kudzikisa hutsigiri hwe Movement for Democratic Change sevzo taibva musarudzo dza 31March 2005. Takuona chimwe chirongwa chinonzi ‘Operation Mavhotera papi’ apa vairanga vanhu vakateedzera kodzero ravo rekuvhota. Tirikuda kuti murangarire vesi remu bhayibheri rinoti zvinu zvese zvine nguva yazvo saka remekedzai kuti ma Zimbabwe akavhotera mutsauko March.

Thabo Mbeki munhu naye.
Awa ndiwo mashoko atirikuudza va Thabo Mbeki:
Pamaka batana ruoko navaRobert Mugabe mukati ‘akuna chakaipa muZimbabwe’vanhu vemuZimbabwe nevemunyika yenyu vakashamiswa nekuita kwenu. Kusava nehanya kwenyu kwakaratidzika nekunonoka kwenyu kutaura zvirikuitka munyika yenyu apo vanhu vachirasikirwa neupenyu hwavo pasina zvabaka pama. Apo tichiviga varikuraiwa nemapurisa nevarikuuraiwa mu South Africa tirikuti ropa ravo ririmawoko enyu. Toda kuti muchengetedze hunhu hwenyu muchi vanhu chedu muchiita zvamunotaura. Muchirinenguva yokuti murarame zvakanaka.

Kwasara viki rimwe kuti tiyende musarudzo dzekusarudza mutungamiri wenyika asi mhirizhonga irikuenderera mberi zvakanyanyisa. Tichitarisa mabasa eWOZA tichaedza nenzira dzese kuti tiudze vanhu kuti vano vhota. Tichavaudza kuti vanyasowongorora kuti vaMugabe ivo banotungamira ‘bato rakarwa hondo’ vakundikana kuunza Gutsaruzhinji. Nekuramba kupudisa zvakapuda musarudzo nenguva nekutanga mhirizhonga kuvanu vakavhota zvino ratidza kuti kuramba kwake rusununguko ruzere rwakafirwa nemagamba edu kuti mumwe nemumwe achava ne vhoti yake. KumaZimbabwe ose nga tivotereyi vaMorgan Tsvangirai timupe mukana kuva mutungamiri naye.

1.    ZANU PF inofanirwa kubvisa makempu e ma militia, voregedza mhirizhonga kuvana vemu Zimbabwe.

2.    Mapurisa ngavasunge vese varikukonzera mhirizhonga besingatyi.

3.    Tirikuti kuva tungamiriri vose varimumatongero enyika ropa rakateuka kuti mumwe ne mumwe ave nevhoti yake sakatichaenderera mberi neku vhota nekudzivirira vhoti yedu murunyararo.

4.    Tirikuti kuvarwiri verusununguko vechokwadi tibetserei kupedza mhirizhonga iripo nekutaura pachena varikupama mhirizhonga iyi muzita renyu

5.    Tinoda kuudza mapurisa kuti hakuna runyararo kana kusina kutongwa kwakanaka. Gamuchirai kuti maZimbabwe avhotera mutsauko saka regerai kushandiswa kuita mhirizhonga. Kana shanduko yauya yauya. WOZA ichada kuti pave nekuongororwa kwevashandi vemuhurunde zvichivatanidzwa nemapurisa nemasoja. Isu vagarisani nemi tinokuzivai nezvese zvamurukuita zvakaipa nezvakanaka hatizokanganwi tererai zvakanaka vakuru venyu vachawana zvakanaka zvakawanda kanavakusiyi basa vachienda kupenjeni asi imi muchasiiwa pachena makutongerwa mhosva dvenyu.

6.    Hurumende yeZimbabwe yogadzirisa zvirikudiwa ne SADC pakuita sarudzo vozo teedzera mirao yacho, ne ZEC yovumirwa kuita basa rao zvakanaka

7.    Tirikuti kune ZEC ngairatidze hunyanzi hwayo  nekusadeera kudivi rimwe rematongerwo enyika, vaone kuti zvapuda musarudzo zvabudiswa pachena ’24hrs’ kubva kuvarwa kwemabhokisi atavhotera.

8.    Tirikushedzera kunyika dzemu SADC, African Union ne United Nations kuti vatumire vanotarisa nezvesarudzo  munaraunda dzese dzeZimbabwe kuitira kuti tive nechivimbo chekuvhota. Vanofanirwa kutaura pachokwadi zvirikuitika ikoko

9.    Kuhurumende ye South Africa tirikukumbira kuti moisa pachena mutongo wevanhu vakatanga mhirizhonga [Xenopphobia attacks].

Tirikuda kutenda masangano akazvimirirra oga emuno nedzimwe nyika nekuratidza hanya kumuri ye Zimbabwe – vakazviita nekuratidzira ku Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa ne Botswana maviki afura. Tirikuva koka kuti ngavauye vazoongorora sarudzo dziriku uya  nekuti vagare vachitinamatirawo sezvo tasvika murima rekuedza

Zvekupedzisira tirikuudza vanhu vemu Zimbabwe kuti vave ne runyararo voona kuti vhoti yavo ichaveregwa muviki inotevera

Mirira ramangwana remwanawako nekuvhotera mutungamiri achaunza Gutsaruzhinji musi wa27 June 2008


Woza Moya – siNdebele – April 2008


Ukhetho selubuye lwedlula, ngakho iWOZA yethulela isigqoko kumaZimbabwe ahambe ayavota ngokuthula langesineke elibelaso lilinde iZEC ukuze ilungise izenzo zayo. Sekwedlule iviki singelampumela ngakho ke sithanda ukutshela iZEC ukuthi ingasijwayeli, inengi lethu sivote sikhonona sisazi ukuthi impumela ingatshontshwa. Abezombangazwe bayasongelana bethethisana lona ilizwe lisifa. Ngicela ugxile ingqondo yakho ngekusasa yomntanakho obumfisela yona nxa ubala lapha. Cabanga ukuthi abantwabakho benzani? Bangabe besesikolo bephatheke ezifundweni njalo befunda kuhle mhlawumbe balele ematafuleni esikolo baswele ababalisi? Bangabe befolele amanzi mhlawumbe badinga inkuni? Mhlawumbe bakhatshana emazweni? Kungabe kuyikufisa  kwakho lokho okwenzeka kumntanakho na? Bengaqhubeka bethumbe impumela yokhetho akulahulumende omutsha esizamthola sifune inhlalakahle kazulu esifaneleyo, kuze kube nini silinde impumela yokhetho thina vele sesabona okwakulotshwe emnyango yokuvotela njalo siyazi kamhlophe ukuthi savotela inguquko. Ngeviki eliphelileyo uzulu usebenzise ivoti ukukhuluma kuzwakale – kodwa ukukhwaza kukazulu kwenziwa ize. Lamhlanje yilo ilanga lokutshengisela ngokuthula sikhumbuza iZEC labozombangazwe ukuthi THINA abavoti yithi abanini bokhetho njalo THINA asisoze sibavumele benze santando ngevoti yethu. Senze isinqumo ngo X njalo kumele sihlonitshwe.

Umntwana ongakhaliyo ufela embelekweni.


Lamhlanje lithuba lokuqhubeka ngomzabalazo wokufuna ukuqondiswa kwamagobo kwezenhlalakahle kanye lokuzothisa uzulu weZimbabwe.

Ivoti lethu ngeviki ephelileyo, bekungenye indlela yokukhumbuza inkokheli ukuthi sifuna njalo kumele sibelenhlalakahle, engachasiswa kuthiwa yindlela enika abantu ukulingana, amathuba afanayo, ukufinyelela ezomnotho, amasiko, inkolo lokuphatheka kwezombangazwe kungakhathalekile umbala, umhlobo, ukudalwa kwakho lokunye nje ukubadlululwa.
Sithe sisiyavota sikhetha inkokheli ezintsha besifisa lokhu. Sifuna inkokheli ezizaqakathekisa okulandelayo:
·    Ukuthola amalungelo eneleyo kwezomnotho, ezamasiko, ezombangazwe lokuhlalisana kukazulu
·    Ukulingana komuntu wonke okugoqela ukulingana kwemihlobo
·    Ukuhlonipha amalungelo oluntu, okugoqela omama labantwana
·    Inkululeko egoqela ezokukhuluma, ukubuthana lobudlelwane
·    Ukuhlonipha lokubekezela amasiko lezenkolo ezehlukeneyo
·    Ukubaluleka lokwelusa indlela inkokheli ezisebenza ngayo, njalo zifeze izinqumo zikazulu
·    Ukuphathisa okulinganayo kwezombangazwe
·    Ukwethulwa kwemithetho okulinganayo lokufinyelela, ukwahlulelwa okusobala lokwazi  lokuzwisisa umthetho
·    Ukuqondisa amagobo, ukuhlukuluzwa okwadlulayo okunjengo Murambatsvina le Gukurahundi
·    Inhlalakahle yabantu
·    Ukuthola imfundo eyeneliswa nguzulu
·    Ukuthola ukudla okwaneleyo njalo esikwenelisayo
·    Ukuthola izindlu ezanelisekayo ezilamagetsi, izambuzi lamanzi ahlanzekileyo
·    Ukuthola okweneleyo kwezempilakahle lokwelatshwa lama ARVs
·    Ukwabelana umhlabathi ovundileyo ngokufanayo lokokulimisa lokubangumnini wawo
·    Amathuba alinganayo kwezomsebenzi, kwezokuziphilisa lokuthola iholo elenelayo ukuthi uziphilise
·    Ukuthuthukisa kwezakhiwo lokuthola okokuhambisa okweneliswa nguzulu
·    Ukusebenzisa ezemvelo ngonanzelelo langemfanelo

SingamaZimbabwe sifuna inhlalakahle esihlala  sikhuluma ngayo kodwa singayithola nxa sizimisele ukusukuma siyifune kunkokheli zethu. Qalisa lamhlanje.


Khathesi yisikhathi sokubopha ziqine umele ikusasa yomntanakho.

WOZA solidarity statement to Zimbabweans

Since its formation, Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) has conducted over 200 demonstrations, peacefully marching on the streets to voice its displeasure with the political, economic, and social state of affairs in Zimbabwe. Most Zimbabweans chose to merely watch these protests from their various conform zones, some praised, many heckled us shouting gender insults.

However WOZA wish to commend the citizens of Zimbabwe for their unified response towards the call for a stay away and national shutdown. WOZA wish to commend the non-violent nature observed only to have their peaceful action disturbed by police brutality.

WOZA note the normal government propaganda manufacturing violence on the part of citizens whilst turning a blind eye towards state sponsored and promoted violence by police officers. It was apparent from one end of the country to the other end that police officers used brutal force to deny citizens the right to express themselves and speak out about their harsh daily existence and poverty manifesting and the message that enough is enough. Violence as usual was the weapon of choice for the regime foot soldiers wearing police uniform hiding behind their shields. Despite this the citizens of Zimbabwe still delivered their message enough is enough!

The contexts assisting citizens to find their voice and act on were informed by a variety of right violations including the passing of unjust laws such as statutory instrument 64 banning of food imports; shortage of cash necessary to allow purchasing power necessary to balance out the daily survival strategies. The State and President remain dumb on what happened to 15 billion United States dollars from diamond revenue but found resources and machinery to hunt down, beat and arrest children accused of looting biscuits and sugar.

Citizens are depraved of the right to peacefully confront the government, the right to demand the internationally guaranteed rights to expression, assembly, education, health and an adequate standard of living. Zimbabweans have the right to protest clearly stated in the constitution but instead they had to select the option of a stay at home. WOZA therefore call on citizens to continue to use peaceful and dignified ways to send their message and to participate to the fullest of their ability to keep their message un-spoilt by violence. But to build up their courage as they direct presence in peaceful protests will one day soon be necessary.

WOZA reminds the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) that their mandate is to protect citizens from violence and not to practice violence. WOZA remind the police, be they in uniform or wearing plain clothes that they are first and foremost citizens of this nation and as such they owe the people their full loyalty and support.

WOZA call upon citizens to be aware of the following:

1. To refuse to allow police officer to provoke us into violent responses
2. To refuse to allow police officers to indiscriminately arrest citizens – an injury to one is an injury to all citizens.
3. Please try to protect children from violence and do not put them in harm’s way. Do not allow police officers to occupy schools intimidating children’s as is currently the case in Bulawayo schools such as Insukamini Government School and the private high school Sizane.
4. Do not participate in looting of goods and vandalising of property – these are our buildings – our development.
5. Any police officers who conduct door to door harassment and throwing of tear gas in homes must be photographed and reported to Human Rights Commission
6. Please do not forward messages inciting violence as these messages belong to people trying to reduce our voice and lengthen our suffering?

Police officers have announced through their megaphones an unlawful curfew from 6am to 6pm and cancelled weekend school and premier soccer league games in Bulawayo. This is denying citizens their freedom of movement and recreation. WOZA is working with other civic society organisations to challenge this illegally imposed curfew in Bulawayo which is reminiscent of the Gukurahundi era. see WOZA Moya Newsletter Woza Moya on stayaway July 2016

WOZA Statement on International womens Day 2017

International Women’s Day Theme – “Be Bold for Change”
The Zimbabwean State translated this to Theme –
“The woman we want is bankable, business minded, brainy, beautiful bold, blessed and balanced”

March 8 of every year signifies an important milestone in the gender race as we commemorate the International Women’s Day. On this occasion, members of Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) are joining women in the world over and Zimbabwe, to commemorate this day. However WOZA commemorates this day with a heavy heart as women continue to lose their lives whist giving life, childbirth should be a time for celebration not mourning. Women toil daily, scavenging to put food on the table trying to turn the dream of a decent meal into a reality for their children.

The day showcases social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women in its advocacy to create awareness of the contribution of women to the development of society as positive agents of change. This year’s theme, ‘Be bold for change’, could not have come at a better time, especially when change is the talk of the day in the country but no one is walking that talk. There is a lot of active change that is required in order to bridge the gender discrepancies that exist in our country and restore democracy.

The international theme challenges each individual to be leaders within their spheres of influence by engaging in practical non-violent actions to narrow the gender gap and help women and girls realize their full potential. The Theme as selected by the Zimbabwe government is little more than window dressing in a country with a crashing economy and patriarchy becoming more entrenched daily.

Zimbabwean women have more progressive laws, policies and constitutional rights compared to the Rhodesian women. These Rhodesian woman white or black could put three decent meals on the table and go about her informal trading without much harassment. When pregnant Rhodesian women only had to register to arrive to deliver her child carrying only baby clothes. In the Independent Zimbabwe of today, women with all their so-called racial equality, progressive laws can hardly put one meal on the table. She cannot afford the pricey maternity fees which only covers a bed. She is required to bring bandages, gloves, scissors, water drips, needles, clipper to tie the umbilical code, methylated spirit and cotton wool. If unlucky to need an operation she has to bring a complete kit including the scissors used to cut your abdomen. The pregnancy nightmare could continue with your detention under guard in hospital if you cannot pay the bill. Even then if you don’t pay in full, birth records of your child are withheld.

With this comparison of Rhodesia and Zimbabwe WOZA note that Independence Day 2017 looms. Zimbabwe will turn 37 but there will be no joyfulness on that day as women don’t feel independent despite the protracted liberation war. It is women who face the brunt of injustices perpetrated by the state in the socio, economic and political arena making them slaves to a political elite calling the shots. WOZA calls on institutions, organisations, state leaders and citizens to take an honest look at themselves. As they self-introspect WOZA pray they realise that this suffering is alien to democratic systems, structures, beliefs and gender parity – it is imposed by dictatorship and patriarchy.

Zimbabweans accept that the time has come to actively change our state of affairs. The onus is on the whole population of us women by and large to challenge the status quo for change to be effected. Cognizance has to be taken to the fact that it is our right as humans and as women to be heard and hold those around us accountable as we play our citizenship role. Instead WOZA suggest the theme for International Women’s Day should be WOMAN – TAKE CHARGE

SHE must TAKE CHARGE to ensure gender perspectives be integrated into policy decisions, legislation, development plans, programmes and all other spheres of life.
SHE must TAKE CHARGE to demand Zimbabwe fulfil obligations to ensure all citizens enjoy all human rights which include socio economic, cultural and political rights.
SHE must TAKE CHARGE of food production to bring food security through all sustainable farming projects and agro businesses.
SHE must TAKE CHARGE of balancing her life though business and social volunteerism and participation in community upliftment.
SHE must TAKE CHARGE and demand government support the right to earn a living and trade in all business spaces be there street or board room.
SHE must TAKE CHARGE and demand government harmonises the constitutions so that all laws supporting the full realisation of women rights are fully implemented.
SHE must TAKE CHARGE and bring into being a free, quality and equitable education for our girl children that will enable them to live quality lives.
SHE must TAKE CHARGE of political spaces and campaigning so that genuine candidates are selected in all party primary elections processes. Candidates who must have the message of gender equality, equity and social justice drummed into their heads so they can’t sleep at night thinking of how they can deliver their election promises.
SHE must TAKE CHARGE of rebuilding their lives after the recent floods have rendered them homeless. As we stand in solidarity with the many including our members in Tsholotsho we note the deafening silence of the government making no effort to deal with the situation and restore their dignity.

To the Women of Zimbabwe, we say ‘arise’ and swim against the tide and support the SHE that is TAKING CHARGE and also take a turn to TAKE CHARGE yourself. Rise up and take your positions in the socio-economic realm of this country. Innovation and transformation is key in changing the dire situation we find ourselves in as the women of Zimbabwe, thus now is the time to TAKE CHARGE and non-violently challenge individuals and institutions to become more engendered.

As WOZA we will play our role in supporting, empowering and amplifying the voices of women as they TAKE CHARGE to deliver accountable governance to the nation.

WOZA launches report on political violence against members

Earlier this month, WOZA launched a report on political violence against its members in Johannesburg, South Africa. As a consequence of exercising their constitutional rights through nonviolent civil disobedience, WOZA women have often been the target of unprovoked assaults, and other violations by state agents seeking to silence their voices. About six months ago WOZA decided it would be worthwhile to attempt a systematic documentation of the political violence suffered by WOZA women.

A partner organisation was identified to do the technical process but the questionnaire was developed with input from members who were then trained them to do the actual interviews. The results were then analysed by the technical partner.

The aim was to record the nature and extent of political violence against WOZA members; who the perpetrators were and the types of violations and injuries faced. It is a fact that many WOZA women have participated in the activities of different organisations before WOZA was formed in 2003. Hence the research did not begin with 2003 violations but predated the formation of WOZA to 2000. A section on violations pre, and post, independence was also included, in this way the women’s experiences as a whole were tracked.

The preliminary report
Data from 2,200 questionnaires completed is still being analysed. The preliminary report takes a sample of 397 interviews from members in Bulawayo and Harare and analyses only some of the sections. It gives some of the background describing the socio-economic status of WOZA members. It reports on the number of arrests they have experienced, the number and type of violations, and the perpetrators of the violations as well as injuries they have suffered.

WOZA has conducted over 100 protests on various issues of civil rights and social justice in its five-year existence and up to 3,000 women have spent time in police custody. Many have been detained more than once, most for 48 hours or more and 112 members once spent five days in police cells. These women, front-line human rights defenders, are willing to suffer beatings and unbearable conditions in custody to exercise their constitutional rights and fundamental freedoms. They continue to suffer torture and other forms of cruel, humiliating and degrading treatment.

For example:
* A high proportion (73 per cent – 291 women) has been arrested at least once. In total, the 397 women reported 615 arrests. On average each woman was arrested 1.5 times. The maximum number of arrests for those in the sample was eight but other members have recorded over 25 arrests.

* A high percentage have been assaulted in various ways – many seriously enough to seek medical attention and some have been hospitalised for various periods.

*Even higher percentages have been treated in cruel and inhuman and degrading ways by police officers who arrest them. There have been many cases of insults and death threats and several incidents of abduction.

* The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) were the most common perpetrators mentioned, with all branches of the ZRP mentioned by 52% [205 cases] of the sample.

These types of violations have become commonplace in Zimbabwe as the government seeks to prevent Zimbabweans from protesting against the continuing devastating mismanagement of the economy, extensive and malicious corruption and disregard for the welfare of the people. They have been reported on as well by other organisations including Amnesty International and the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum.

The reason WOZA hastened to release this preliminary report is that Zimbabwe’s future now hangs in the balance in the hands of the SADC-mandated mediation efforts. The road to a better future lies through a legitimate election. This can only occur if the process and the political climate in which it takes place are fully free and fair. An essential component of the climate is the absence of violence.

Already regional leaders have stated that they expect that the elections due in March next year will measure up to the SADC standards and be “free and fair”.

WOZA’s message is simple. This type of repression, the sustained, deliberate and malicious state violence perpetrated to silence free expression continues. People are not just hungry – they are afraid to get up and say they are hungry. No legitimate election can be held in this environment.

WOZA is thus challenging friends in the region – whether they are governments, NGOs or social movements – to help document violations and call for an end to violence. For as long as state-sponsored violence continues, no legitimate election can be held. We urge you not to allow the validation of an illegitimate election. Hear us loud and clear – we demand meaningful peace and respect for the civil rights of all. We demand it and we deserve it.

To read the full report, click here. Preliminary report on political violence against WOZA members

Members released in Harare

The 98 members arrested during a protest at Parliament in Harare yesterday have been released without charged after being held for seven hours.

At noon yesterday, a deputation drawn from the membership began a protest to press for an end to violence and for a response from the Zimbabwe Republic Police. Members also wanted to express their commitment to a repealing of Public Order Security Act (POSA) and the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA).

As the procession was to arrive at Parliament, the Riot Squad based at Africa Unity Square intercepted and began to beat the peaceful activists. They did not directly order the activists to disperse but beat anyone trying to sit down. The procession then turned around the way they had come and the determined activists began to chant the slogan – “strike a woman and you strike a rock” and sing, “the road is full of thorns and the time has come to pray.” It seems this was too much for the police officers who had kept up their insults and beating with baton sticks (although they used minimum force). When the procession crossed Sam Nujoma Street, the order to sit down was issued by police and WOZA members complied.

While the group sat down, members who had not been arrested handed themselves in. A member of MOZA did this in style. With his placard saying ‘VOTE no to POSA’ held high and singing away, he did a solo march across the street into the arrested group.

After 30 minutes, a vehicle came and 17 members were taken to Harare Central Police station. An hour and a half passed with no progress before the Riot Squad guarding the arrested ordered three lines and walked the 81 members to Central creating quite a spectacle and much amusement from bystanders. It seems there was no fuel for the vehicles.

After uniformed polices officers and Law and Order officers took down everyone’s details, it became apparent no department wanted responsibility for processing WOZA. Eventually Law and Order officers with the Chief Superintendent Madzingo, the overall boss of Law and Order, in attendance asked for all the issues WOZA are unhappy about and after a 30 minute spelling out issues from police harassment, to skyrocketing school fees, to electricity blackouts and complaints about POSA, the Chief Superintendent said he was tired and asked WOZA lawyer Muchadehama to assist WOZA to notify for future protests.

All 98 members were released at 7:30 pm having been arrested just after noon. This is the third protest in a row that WOZA have been arrested but released without being detained. On 15 October, Chief Inspector Tenderere, Officer Commanding at Harare Central lectured the activists and released them after nine hours in custody. These protests have seen WOZA directly confront police about their brutality.

Meanwhile, a WOZA member, Maria Moyo, has died. She had been arrested approximately eight times and was one of the seven members abducted from their homes by Law and Order officers in Bulawayo on 24th August. She was taken from her sick bed at 4:30 am and threatened with being tied up with ropes and thrown into Khami Dam if she did not divulge the whereabouts of WOZA leaders. She was badly shaken by this experience and took a turn for the worse. Despite receiving medical treatment, she never recovered. WOZA leaders pass on their condolences to the family of Maria and to all her comrades. We ask for intensification in amplifying the voice of ordinary Zimbabweans demanding social justice so that Maria’s life is not sacrificed in vain.

Request for remand for Jennifer Williams and 13 others – May 2008


Station: HARARE CENTRAL Prosecutor’s Ref: .R: 1696/05/2008
Section: C.I.D LAW AND ORDER HARARE. DR 06/06/08 C.R.B. No: 3884-97/2008
Investigating Officer: 037428G D/ASS INSP. NYONI Prison No.
(Note: In the case of joint accused, all are to be included on same Request for Remand Form)

Section A
Accused: (full names, N.R/R.C., etc.) JENNIFFER WILLIAMS  Age: 46 yrs
(3) TRACY LEIGH DOIG Age: 33 yrs

Arrested (date) 28th MAY 2008 Time: 1200hrs

Section B
Offence(s) – CONTRAVENING SECTION 37 (1) (c) (ii) OF THE CRIMINAL LAW (CODIFICATION AND REFORM) ACT CHAPTER 9:23 “participating in a gathering with intent to promote Public Violence, breaches of peace of bigotry”

Allegation(s) – On (date) 28TH MAY 2008 at (place) CORNER JULIUS NYERERE AND NKWAME NKHRUMA AVENUE, HARARE the accused (state what the accused did) ACTED IN COMMON PURPOSE AND PARITICIPATED IN AN UNLAWFUL GATHERING DRIVING VEHICLE REGISTRATION NUMBER AAQ 7338, A NISSAN PATROL AROUND THE CITY CENTRE HOLDING, DISPLAYING AND DISTRIBUTING BANNERS AND PLACARDS PLUS FLYERS WITH INSCRIPTIONS SUCH AS: “Robert Mugabe you have become known to us for violence”, From 2 April 2008 the Government organized a retribution campaign to target those who allegedly voted for the opposition”, “Over 40 people have been shot dead in cold blood”, “Women Directors of NGOs are on Government hit list”, etc. INFORMATION WHICH IS CALCULATED AT PROMOTING PUBLIC VIOLENCE, BREACHES OF PEACE OR BIGOTRY.

Evidence (state facts linking accused to the commission of crime/offence, e.g. accused was found in possession of stolen , radio, etc)

Value of property stolen/potential prejudice (Frauds, etc.) $……… Value of property recovered $…N/A

Bail – not opposed/opposed/on Police bail: Yes/No (If yes $…………………………………………………………
Reasons for apposing bail are:
1. Accused has known record/previous conviction (state)
2. Accused has pending cases at court (quote Station, C.R/CRB No.) BYO CENTRAL CR 1018/6/04 CRBs 4196-4206/04 and BYO CENTRAL CR 180/6/07 CRBs 310-2/07
3. Accused is likely to abscond (give reasons e.g. has no family, no house, etc)
4. Accused is likely to interfere with evidence/witnesses (give reasons why you say so) THERE ARE OTHER OUTSTANDING ACCUSED WHO EVADED THE POLICE DURING THE ARREST AND ARE STILL AT LARGE WHO NEED TO BE FOLLOWED UP.

Section D
Date investigation should be completed 12 June 2008 possible number of witnesses SIX (06)
Date: 29/05/2008 Signature: …………………..(Rank) D/ASS/INSP.(No.) 037428 G
Checked: Officer/Member-In-Charge

Section E
Z.R Police



5. CELINE MADUKANI Age: 34 yrs

6. MELBA NHAVHAYA Age:58 yrs


8 . CLARA MANJENGWA  Age: 30 yrs


10. REJOICE CHAUKE Age: 38 yrs

11. LILIAN NTEFULA Age: 27 yrs

12. TARISAI ZHEKE Age: 24 yrs

13. VERINA MUCHEGU Age: 46 yrs

14. MANDLENKOSI MOYO Age: 32 yrs

195 arrested during Valentines Day protests, 50 beaten, Bertha remains in custody

Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) members in Harare and Bulawayo conducted their traditional Valentine’s Day protests and both protests were marred by beatings and arrests. This is the 11th year WOZA has conducted such a protest and this year’s theme is under the theme – One Love.  One hundred and ninety five were arrested then released after some hours but one woman remains in custody.

At 2 o’clock on 13 February 2013, Harare members marched towards parliament in two separate formations.  Riot Police based at Parliament disrupted the both protests and fired 5 canisters of tear gas to disperse the over 1000 strong protest sending members and bystanders scurrying for cover. Many people were affected by the tear gas and some children were seen crying. Business came to a standstill due to this indiscriminate use of force to disrupt a peaceful protest.

Over 25 members had to seek medical attention including the 8 members who were arrested at parliament and beaten by the 8 Riot police during the 20 minute wait for the police van to take them into custody. A ninth bystander a male, had his cell phone taken and was separated from the others and beaten for over 20minutes between the police reaction group headquarters in Harare’s Cramborne Barracks and Harare Central police station.

The 8 arrested were Jennifer Williams, Magodonga Mahlangu, Clara Manjengwa, Hilda Murapa, Enia Mazambare, Tambudzai Manangazira, Siphetheni Ndlovu and Maria Majoni. As the women arrived at the Police station, the receiving police officer chided his uniformed colleagues for ‘arresting WOZA’ and told them to take them away. For over 2 hours no progress was made and it was unclear if the 8 were in detention or not but their liberty was obviously curtailed. After they were release all 9 including the bystander spent another 3 hours lodging a formal complaint about the beatings, tear gas and abuse they had suffered. A police report number is available for the complaint. All nine then were taken to hospital for treatment and x-rays for the brutality meted out on them at Parliament.

On 14February 2013 members in Bulawayo conducted their Valentine’s Day protest. Members decided to march to the police Headquarters in 9th Avenue, at Southampton House. Members wanted to demand that the Police respond to formal complaints about police beatings and brutality. Police brutality prevailed during a Water protest on 12 November. WOZA then marched to hand over a protest on 29 November but no response was forthcoming.

The 4pm protest began with smoothly but when the 8 protest groups number 800 members neared Southampton house, Riot police swooped and began indiscriminately beating members. WOZA leaders Jenni Williams and Magodonga Mahlangu managed to regroup the protest and after many skirmishes managed to get the members to sit down on the pavement so that official proceedings could begin. As this began senior ranking officers repeated order for Riot officer to beat the two activists who were still recovering from the Harare protest assault.  Police officers began arresting any male person they observed with a camera, numbering 6.

The police boss then requested Williams to go upstairs to the officer to dialogue with the police provincial leadership. After obtaining assurances that nothing would befall the members and that the 6 men arrested would return with Williams, her and a colleague went upstairs.

The meeting was to be short-lived as the officers were obviously not cooperative and kept blocking progress by insisting on a formal letter requesting an appointment to receive feedback on the many complaint letters.  The meeting came to an abrupt end when Williams was telephoned by Magodonga Mahlangu to say all the participants had been arrested by the Riot Reaction group and taken to the Bulawayo Central Police station. Williams then walked out of the meeting and handed herself into custody with 179 other members. The 6 male members were also still in custody at Southampton house.

The same police bosses who had attempted to meet Williams, then arrived at the station and misled the meeting with Williams had been fruitful and that they did not know why or how the members came to be in the police station but that they should leave immediately. Williams then addressed members say they would leave police custody but only if the missing 6 male members were also released as they had all been together. Without any further dialogue the officers barked order to the Riot Reaction group to remove the 180 members forthwith from the police station.  A few members were then beaten again.

It transpired that of the six men that remained in custody only 1 is a WOZA members, the others bystanders who took photos of the protest. They were this night tortured by intelligence agents and then released home for the night with instructions to return at 9am on 15 February.

The woman, Bertha Sibanda is in custody for ‘indecent exposure’. She was one of the 180 in custody and she stripped naked in the police station in frustration at not having her complaints addressed. She is one of the 11 members who were in a Water protest that police violently disturbed and was subjected to tribal insults about Gukurahundi when she lost family to this massacre. complaint police harrasment to ZRP 13nov incident and Follow up letter 14 Feb13 police complaint

Meanwhile 6 members had medical attention, one of who has to have 3 teeth pulled due to batons stick injury to her mouth. Several members have reported being called by police officers requesting information about the protest plans and made the offer of money for information. Two of the calls were made from Bulawayo number 60248 Code (00 263 9). WOZA suspect this number to be of an intelligence office. WOZA invite activism to assist us in holding this intelligence office accountable for harassment and beating of WOZA members in an attempt to curtail their right to protest.

WOZA handed over their demands contained in the February 2013 Woza Moya Newsletter.  Woza Moya Feb 2013

Bulawayo members to march 13Feb2015

Zimbabwe joins citizens of the world in commemorating Valentine’s Day, a day to give each other a red rose that represents LOVE. Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) members, the majority of them are women and some brave men are still drawing attention to the need for LOVE in Zimbabwe.
The love WOZA members wants is LOVE that brings dignity.
Dignity will help us rebuild our lives and our country.
Dignity also comes from Zimbabweans being able to exercise and enjoy all their rights including the right to earn a living.
This year our theme is – Demanding Dignity – Demanding Women’s Empowerment!
These are the roses we want from our Government!

Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) members have been conducting Valentine’s Day marches since 2003 demanding LOVE from their Government and asking Zimbabweans to chose LOVE over hate. After 13 years of Valentine’s Day marches, we still need and want the same things.

While we recognise progress it is only words and no deeds to match these high and mighty words.
1. The election promise was one million jobs but lip service was not followed up by the promised jobs. Members continued to try to survive by informal trading.
2. Members thought the ZimAsset would bring jobs, but the document once again lifted our expectations only to crash them down. The very people who wrote the document are ignoring it and enriching themselves.
3. The Constitution has a good complement of the issues we wanted, including the right to earn a living and the right to protest but we are tired of hearing that they are still aligning the laws. Stop making excuses and let us enjoy our Constitution.
4. Even the latest monetary policy is full of promises for empowerment, will these promises be delivered?

WOZA has been busy conducting civic education programmes for members to ready themselves for socio-economic empowerment – we are marching now to say we are ready to receive rapid empowerment.
We have read the Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe ‘Chapter 2-National objectives’, sections 13 on National development , 14 on Empowerment and employment and section 15 on Food security and Chapter 4 section 51 – right to human dignity’. We understand that the word ‘Republic’ means –
A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them.

We – the supreme citizens – elected representatives who immediately forgot about us. They squabble amongst themselves occasionally sending nonsensical directives like introducing prepaid water meters and removal of vendors from the streets. Chombo where is the directive to create jobs? Instead you order the City council to chase vendors off the streets. Mr Chombo enough is enough with your nonsense please reread the national objectives and put Zimbabweans – women – first.

Whilst members wait for the promised jobs, they survive on informal trade which is their source of livelihood and disregarding this survival strategy will increase poverty. Members stated that through vending they are able to feed their families, educate their children, clothe them and pay rent for a decent standard of living. The solutions are clear and known – but lack implementation – the root cause of prolific informal trading is lack of employment. Directives issued that only address the effects – informal traders everywhere – will not fix the problem.

As the supreme citizens, we demand our elected leaders convene an urgent country wide consultation to map a collective way forward on how to create one million jobs and revamp the economy putting women and youth at the centre of the economic empowerment action plan.